Animal Talk Radio
Animal Talk helping people with their pets. Celebrity interviews, fun, skits, news, pet products, training tip, environmental issues, Animal Talk, it’s America’s Pet Show! Jamie Flanagan and animal behaviorist, Brian Donovan are here to help you with your pets. We get help from Vets on medical issues. Throw in celebrity interviews, animal profiles, trivia questions, product give-a-ways, comedy skits, and most important of all, great listener interaction you then have a pet phenomenon not to be missed.
Animal Talk Radio
Are all Calico Cats female? - Episode 172
Keep your pets safe. Keep them in the yard or on a lead. Sad story from the clinic this week.
Jamie gets his nerd merit badge for pulling out the Ballad of Bilbo Baggins sung by Mr. Spock, Leonard Nimoy.
Top 9 Reasons dog break curfew.
Long drive with my dog, he tends to get car sick. What can we do?
Are all Calico cats female?
I have rabbits. Is it safe to keep them outside over winter? If I bring my rabbits in, do they have fleas that they could give to my cats?
John in Texas has a fat cat. 3 1/2 years old and chubby. What to do?
Laser Pointer is an amazing cat toy.
Rewind back to Sunday 2-24-2008 Hour 1
Wearing Funny Amazing fun pet parent t-shirts
Animal Talk, it’s America’s Pet Show!
Jamie Flanagan
Thanks for listening and as always... Have an exotic week and kiss your wild thing for me.
Send your pet photos in now and we will add your fur kids to the #PetParade. jamie@animaltalkradio.com