Animal Talk Radio
Animal Talk helping people with their pets. Celebrity interviews, fun, skits, news, pet products, training tip, environmental issues, Animal Talk, it’s America’s Pet Show! Jamie Flanagan and animal behaviorist, Brian Donovan are here to help you with your pets. We get help from Vets on medical issues. Throw in celebrity interviews, animal profiles, trivia questions, product give-a-ways, comedy skits, and most important of all, great listener interaction you then have a pet phenomenon not to be missed.
Animal Talk Radio
Ick in your fish tank, Kelly the Fish Lady and DMX dog fighting issues. - Episode 184
Welcoming the Fish Lady - Kelly from MySpace
Our Resident Mermaid!
What type of fish can I put in my tank that has an Oscar and fire electric eels.
Rapper DMX is now in the hot seat for dog fighting.
I have a goldfish with a long fantail. What are the white spot appearing on his tail?
Colin in the Zoo Crew takes part in the Bad Animal Joke of the Week.
Colin has a goldfish and had a question for Kelly.
Rewind back to Sunday 9-23-2007 Hour 1
In the episode you will hear
Wearing Funny Amazing fun pet parent t-shirts
Animal Talk, it’s America’s Pet Show!
Jamie Flanagan
Thanks for listening and as always... Have an exotic week and kiss your wild thing for me.
Send your pet photos in now and we will add your fur kids to the #PetParade. jamie@animaltalkradio.com