Animal Talk Radio

Why is my dog just staring at me - Episode 190

August 28, 2023 Animal Talk

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Hour 2 more pet peeves

Our pet peeves

An 8-year-old Aussie mix that is very much a herder and nips a bit. I have a toddler about start crawling. How can I make this safe for everyone?

Health Tip - Super careful with anti-freeze. Super deadly for pets.

Mark has a question about his dog Dirks, a shelty-spaniel mix. This dog will just stare at me. Why is that.

Bad animal joke

Animaltainment Tonight

Rewind back to Sunday 10-11-2009 Hour 2

In the episode you will hear

Wearing Funny Amazing fun pet parent t-shirts

Animal Talk, it’s America’s Pet Show!
Jamie Flanagan

Thanks for listening and as always... Have an exotic week and kiss your wild thing for me.

Send your pet photos in now and we will add your fur kids to the #PetParade.